Projects Part 1: Navigating Projects


In this training on projects, we will review general navigation in projects, locating projects, and reading and editing sections.



In this next video, you'll learn how to work with projects and workspaces. Here is the project and workspaces purpose. In TeamDynamix a project is a unit of tasks, resources, and information that produces a unique product, service, or result that is marked by a beginning and an end. If it is not, or if it does not have a start and an end date, it's definitely not a project. A project in this space has many manageable facets, such as a Calendar, Briefcase, and a Project Plan. These features give people different views into the data from the Projects and Workspaces application. In TeamDynamix, project management is done in the Projects/Workspaces application. In this training on projects and workspaces we will review general navigation in projects and workspaces, locating projects, reading and editing sections, viewing project plans, viewing tasks assigned, and then last but not least; updating tasks in a project plan. In order to access the functional side of our TeamDynamix projects and workspaces app we'll go back to our main landing page over here. Once located, our functional user application is also known as TDNext, the user's portal. Go ahead and select Users. From our user's portal, once we sign in in the previous prompt, all you have to do is go to this big blue button called Application Menu, also known as the waffle. Go ahead and select the waffle icon, and you'll notice Projects and Workspaces alphabetically sorted, in my case is here down at the bottom screen. In yours it might be associated somewhere else within a different order, but it's always going to be alphabetically sorted. Select the Projects and Workspaces app. It'll open up a secondary tab, and just like this one over here, I've configured a high-level dashboard here or desktop, similar to the main global desktop we've seen at the front. You can certainly navigate this dashboard by pulling reports and reports sources from left to right and realigning these items. Or if you wanted to edit this desktop, all you have to do is select the Edit button, and then from here, you can certainly add the reports accordingly by grabbing them and dragging and dropping these particular elements here within your view, selecting Save, exiting out of this pop-up, refresh and there we go. So, we've got a nice little dashboard here. You'll also have several other buttons in terms of the navigation, a +New button, that allows you to create a brand new project, a workspace, risk, issue, event, surveys, reports, so on so forth. Some of these we'll explore in just a little bit. You can certainly search for reports as well, or sorry, projects, and have the reports feature up here. There's a little navigation button as well that allows you to create project surveys, which is something that will not be covered in this training. More importantly, you do have several buttons here. One of those is this Managed Projects button here. It's just a small little report folder that shows you all the projects that you're managing, as well as some TDX default or canned reports that are here within these sub-folders; Projects by status report. You can certainly run that and pick a project here from your listing. There are some more time reports, standard reports, standard issue reports, it really depends on what you're needing. Technically, you can go ahead and get started with project management without even having to create some customer reports, a feature we'll explore in just a few minutes. Now, more importantly is here your projects listing under Projects and Workspaces, because not always will you be the project manager to manage projects, but in some instances you might actually just participate in a project. And this is basically what you'll be doing here. This menu here shows you all the projects that you either participate in as a team member or as an alternate manager, or projects that you manage. It's easy to pick a project such as this ERP Application by selecting the name and it'll give you a subsection of project components, as you can see here. Managing a team lead or the team that's participating, the feed, the audit history, the announcements. We'll explore some of these as we go along through this training, others feel free to explore on your own after this training. Now, more importantly, what we wanna do is apart from locating all of our projects, we wanna probably create our own. So how do we create a quick and easy project? A project that might not have to go through the formal project intake request as we were demonstrating earlier. All you have to do is select the +New button to create a brand new project, select Project, and then fill this intake format for the project. Now, please keep in mind, we are creating an active project at this point, not like an intake or an intake part section that we were doing earlier in the client portal. So we're gonna call this TeamDynamix Application Implementation. There we go. So again, let's pretend we already gotten the green light for getting this project approved. The type, what type is this? This is an ERP project or an application implementation. So select Application Implementation here. What department does this belong under? That's information technology, so let's just type that in here, there we go. Start date is today's date and it will end in, let's say, six months. There we go. All right, I'm just gonna extend this a little bit longer here. There we go, yep. Now it will ask you to fill out several other fields such as a description, a desired go live date, or any other custom attributes we've filled in here. As you can see, it's highly adaptable to our organization's needs by adding some of these custom fields. And technically that is all you need to do. I'll go over the time and expenses in just a second with you. Select Save once you're finished. Our project has been saved and this project has come up looking like this. Now, once a project has been created, you'll notice that we have another menu here on the left hand side. These are the project sections here, as they pertain to this application. So this project's application, I'm gonna expand my window out, but this is a general details view. It tells you who is the manager, and several other general information here, on the left hand side, going from top to the bottom. Depending on how much we've filled out, obviously, it will contain more information or less. On the left hand side is a general navigation tab such as the General Information tab. The General Information tab, or the General tab as we sometimes call it, allows you to go back to it to make edits on the intake, to change the project name, to extend maybe the date by a little bit from February until in April, sorry, from April until maybe May, June, July, and complete all of the other fields. You'll notice that our time and expense section is here where we can record additional time and expense content. Or advance section, which allows us, again, to record some of the TDX, the default fields here or default attributes as to who's the sponsor. Is this pertaining to a particular service we offer? Is this part of a specific portfolio? If you have a portfolio, you can certainly tag this project with that. Does it belong into a program, the sub level of a portfolio? What are the classification here? Is this a small project, big project, media project? Whatever it might be, some of these custom fields you can certainly adjust and then once you're finished, always save. There also going to be a several project settings here on the left hand side, which you can explore by going to the Settings tab, and then you can change some of the settings in terms of how to display on the client portal. Do we want this project to be visible on the client portal? How are time and expenses approved? What is the update of the task method? How are we managing this project if we're doing resource management? As well as several other options, and then last but not least, away from the sections, you can certainly manage some of these project components as they display in the sub-menu previously under the project name, and we'll explore that in just a few seconds. So announcements, briefcase, calendar, contacts, issues. Let's go ahead and actually explore that next.

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