Projects Part 2: Project Components


In this training on projects, we will review reading and editing sections and components.


I'm going to do a refresh here to refresh my screen. It kind of kicked me out to the main directory but that's fine. I'll just save select projects in the workspaces here. And here's our project/TeamDynamix application implementation right here on the left-hand side. I'm going to go to Manage and here is our sections piece again. Here are the details on the right-hand side, and now you can see there are several other sections that I can complete. Please note that this menu will only display to you on the left-hand side along with all these other projects if you participate in a project as a team member or if you are the lead, such as I'm a project manager so I get the manager's tab here. There are several other things that you can do from the manager's tab. For instance, you can go ahead and add resources add other team members participating in this project. Select Resource, select Actions, add a resource, and let's say, I am going to add Aaron here, Alexa the president, my colleague Charlene the CFO and then Gray, VP Advancement. Select Next, select Save. And all of these folks have been added to this project. So now I can go ahead and assign them tasks which I will do in just a minute. Now sometimes I will need to have somebody back me up on this project as an alternate manager. Please note that they have to have the enterprise license. I go into Actions, Change Manager. And let's say we want to promote Aaron to be our alternate manager so that our alternate manager can basically do all the actions as I am doing them as a project manager, but they're just my backup. Select Save, there we go. A project manager can do everything that an alternate project manager can do. They both are the same. The alternate manager, the only difference is, they cannot take me off of the project since I am the primary manager here. But they can basically do anything else. They can create projects, they can create and participate or create plans, action items, tasks, right? As well as assign those tasks to others. So this is a really, really nice view to viewing the project resources and how they can participate. So keep in mind if you have a colleague who cannot see your project, there might be a chance that you have not added them as a team member or as an alternate manager to your project. Once you do, ask them to refresh and they should have full access to your project. You can always look at this team's tab on the left-hand side under the components and see who's participating in your project. Again, if your coworker is missing, that means we haven't added them yet. Go back to Manage, go over here. Go to Resources and add your resources accordingly under this Actions button. There's also another section called the Feed. The Feed is basically your audit history of every single task and action item that's been happening here inside of this project management application. Please note, not only can you see the audit history of this entire project, but you also have a comments button here that allows you to comment to your coworkers by simply choosing the person that you want to notify. In this case, I might want to notify Charlene, say, "Hi Charlene, planning on getting us all together next week for a kickoff meeting." Right? And you would go on and on and on. And by me selecting Charlene here as a CC and selecting Save, an email will go out to Charlene. Please note that you can also mark comments as private. That means they are not visible in TD client to your client users. You can still notify somebody via email by including a client user such as Alexa, the president here. They'll still get that email but they cannot see this comment in the client portal. As you know, once you create a project, you can also look at the project inside of the client portal if somebody on the external side is participating with you on this project. Select Save, and again external, they're still a client user. They're simply just a client in the client portal. A quick peek there for you, it's going to be located over here. I'm going to go back to my client portal, and as you can see here, projects and workspaces. If you're a client user, you can always participate in a TeamDynamix application implementation by looking over here, but you are more kept on the outskirts of the project versus being a functional user on the TD Net site. Let's go back to our client services TDNext environment and explore some of these other components. You can make always an announcement by selecting the plus new button and mention, "Today is Go Live Day," right, et cetera. By adding an announcement here, you can actually notify users that are part of your project via this notified button. Or, you know, you might have seen this early in the desktop module, I had an announcements report that will then prominently feature this announcement until maybe I set an expiration date, maybe a week only for Go Live Week and the rest is then set in stone. There's some other really neat or nifty features here. One of those is the briefcase. So the briefcase is your file repository. I'm going to call this the project management folder or project resources folder. There we go. Folder created. I can create multiple folders by the way, not just one, but let's play with one. Select plus new. Upload a file from my computer, select browse. There we go. So maybe there's some training guide, some project status procedures, et cetera. I can select open and select those three files. I can pick and choose to notify my team members if I like. If not, I can certainly select upload and my team members can simply go into this TeamDynamix application folder and read or download these as necessary. There are other folders or files that you might share with them, right? Simply come back in here. I believe I had a few here under... I think I had a project charter document. There we go. Another helpful tool. Upload done. It's located here. The nice thing is, not only at the folder level but also at the file level, you can apply additional security layers where you might not want to have somebody the capabilities to delete this file from your project or be able to modify it or maybe don't even want to read the folder or the document, right? So you can even completely hide certain levels of folders. However, you know, I believe in big transparency. So if you are creating a project with resources and documents that should typically be accessible to everyone, you might not want them to be able to delete the folder from your project. That's maybe something that you can certainly think about at the folder level by selecting the plus new button. Or, you know, at the file level by selecting the security tab right here and executing the same actions. Apart from that, there is also a brief calendar that's going to include all the action steps for your team. The contacts list that you can use to record all of your contacts for your organization, such as maybe you are working with a third party. As you know, third parties will not be able to participate within your project unless they are TeamDynamix client users. In issues log, that allows you to record any action items, any issues, any questions related to a project that are not necessarily part of the actual project plan. For instance, I might have login issues, right, on my project. So I'll type in login issues, I'll type in a category. I type in the priority and it's open. So I'm going to say, "Cannot log in to the Admin environment of TDX," right? So basically, I'm creating a mini-ticket on my issues log. I can make somebody responsible for it. So maybe it's Gray of Advance. I'll notify Gray via email. And then I can also say, "Hey, apart from Gray, Alexa, President, please note that I cannot log into my TDX environment, specifically in the admin dashboard." Go ahead and select save. And then an issues log item has been created against this project which means that just like a ticket, right? Currently it's open, it needs to be resolved. As soon as you have this resolved, all you have to do is open it up, either you or whomever is working with you update the particular issues log item and change it to closed, postponed, or whatever it might be that it needs to be changed to. Maybe there is still currently in process, so on and so forth. It really is a nice little space to use to record anything else that's an issue or an additional action item that was maybe not recorded on the project plan. Think about this also. If you're a project manager and you do lessons learned meetings, at the very end of your project, once it's complete, this is a nice list or or log to pull to see all of the issues you've encountered. So you learn from this experience, right? And making sure that we no longer make those same mistakes in the future project. Billing section is a nice section that allows you to add links as they relate to your project, maybe links to your kb, right, to your knowledge base. So for instance, I'm just going to select the TeamDynamix Support Site, and all I have to do is call it Category is general. By the way, I can add additional categories anytime you see the plus blue button and I'm going to notify Charlene one more time. Save so that Charlene knows if she ever needs TDNext support on this project, she simply has to go down here and this is a link that we've added. You know, again, you can have multiple links. Team members can add links. Team members can add documents, et cetera. There's also a little risk register here that allows you to manage your risks. It's easy to create a risk by saying resources. Or let's say lack of resources. Pretty common across organizations. Categories, general. Is this a threat? It absolutely is. What is our response strategy? We're going to accept that, that we do have lack of resources and I can further investigate and add more and more component. What is the probability for this to be happening? Very high. What is the impact? Also very high. And what is the urgency? That got automatically defaulted here for you. I can associate this risk to somebody to help them manage or help me manage this risk, right? Maybe the VP of Advancements because it's the VP of Advancements project and then I can notify folks on this. I can either use a generic notify to notify anybody that's on this project. I can say notify other people to notify not only people on my project, but anybody within my organization. And then if I have a third party, I can certainly email Serkan here, my TeamDynamix consultant, getting this taken care of. I'm going to exit out of this 'cause I definitely do not wish to receive an email. Select save and a risk has been created in the background, pulling it also up into this risk registry. So think about this as another space on your project like the issues log where you can record risks and help you manage them. This risk registry basically is more of a visual of what we've just created. Based on the probability and impact that it has, look at it, it's located right over here in red. And red means this is a high risk so we definitely need to manage it very thoroughly, making sure that this does not become an issue. If anything is in yellow or gets added to the yellow section, you know, between the probability and the impact it has that we've indicated on the intake form, it's definitely something you want to keep a close eye on, or you know, making sure it doesn't happen. Otherwise, it might become a red risk. And if it's not really anything that's impactful, it would be located in green. If a probability or impact has not been determined, I'll simply add it to the gray section. Just like an issues log item, the recommendation here is to open up the risk. And once you've managed the risk, all you have to do is just like actions, update, and just like that, keep it closed, right? So it will be removed. It will not be removed from the project. It'll literally be closed and no longer needs to be managed.

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