Creating Tickets in TDNext


In this video, you will learn how to create a new ticket within TDNext. This is the most common way you will create tickets as a technician.


We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn how to create a new ticket within TDNext. This is the most common way you will create tickets as a technician.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • View the pinned forms in the ticketing application in TDNext
  • Use the Form drop-down to explore the forms available for each ticket classification
  • Use a custom form to create an example ticket


In this video, you will learn how to create a new ticket within TDNext. This is the most common way you will create tickets as a technician.

First, we'll open the ticketing application. Click the application menu in the top left corner, and open the ticket application you would like to work in. Depending on your access and your organization's needs, you may have more than one ticketing application as we have here. We'll open the IT Tickets application.

The first step to creating a ticket is choosing the form to use. From here, there are a few ways to choose a form.

At the top of the page, you'll see a plus icon, then the name of a form. in this case, it's the Incident Form. The form that appears here was chosen by your TeamDynamix administrator, typically because it's commonly used. You can click on the name of the form to quickly open it and create a ticket. If we click +Incident Form, the default Incident Form appears in a new window. Sometimes, we'll need to use a different form than the one listed at the top of the ticketing application. In this case, we can click +New.

As you see, a few different form options will appear. Each active ticket classification has at least one form, which is a default form. There may also be additional pinned forms, configured by your TeamDynamix administrator, in this list. Pinned forms allow you to quickly access specific forms right from the list. If you are unsure of which form to select, it's best to use the default form. In this case, we'll select the default Incident Form.

Let's imagine that someone has called us at the Help Desk to report an issue with wireless internet. At the top of the Incident Form, you'll see a form drop-down menu. Using this field, you can select any form to use, even if it isn't pinned when you click +New. The forms are listed alphabetically by ticket classification. We can scroll through the list or start typing to search. We'll type "wireless" into the form search to find the Wireless Connection Issues form.

It is typically suggested to use a custom form, rather than the generic form, because custom forms collect issue-specific information that will be more helpful to the technicians resolving the request. Custom forms are also typically configured to pre-fill certain values, like Service, Type, and Responsibility. As we can see, our Title field was pre-filled when we selected our custom form.

The next field, Requestor, is used to identify the person for whom the work is being done. In our example, let's imagine the person calling for help is Brennan Turner. We can search for Brennan by name, email address, or even organizational ID, if it's listed in their user record. Once we select a Requestor, a box appears to the right of the ticket form with information about the requestor. We can also see a list of tickets submitted in the last 30 days where this person was the requestor, regardless of ticket status. We can click on the title of one of these tickets to open it in a new window.

If the person we are creating the ticket for doesn't exist, we can create a new person record for them right from the ticket. Click the plus sign above the requestor field to open a new window, and enter their information. Note that you may not have the ability to create new person records from the ticket, based on your permissions and access.

The Knowledge Base is a helpful tool when resolving tickets. You can search the Knowledge Base using the Search KB box, in the top right corner of the ticket. We'll search "wifi" to find troubleshooting steps we can walk Brennan through on the call. If you'd like to view an article, you can click the title. Or you can click Associate to associate the article with this ticket. We'll choose to Associate the article in case we need it for reference later.

Let's fill out the rest of our ticket. As we go through this exercise, note that your organization's forms may not have the same questions or sections that our sample form does. The requestor's department is already pre-filled, based on the requestor we selected.

The Location field allows us to select from a predefined list of buildings that have been entered into TeamDynamix. We'll start typing to select a location where the wireless issues are occurring. When we select a Location, and additional field appears asking us for the Location Room, or the room number in the building. To quickly find a room number, use the type ahead feature.

On our form, we then have some custom fields which ask questions specific to the issue. In our example, the fields collect information about the wireless connection issues we're reporting. Fill out any custom fields as best you can based on what the requestor tells you. Note that the required fields have an asterisk next to the field names, and all other fields are optional.

Depending on the values we select, other fields may appear asking for follow-up information. For example, when we select Phone as the Type of Device Affected, an additional field appears asking for the Smartphone Type. This cascading behavior also appears further down based on our answers to questions about how many people are affected by the wireless connection issue.

In the Internal Information section of this ticket, we can see the Service, Type, and Responsible fields have been prefilled for us when we select our custom form. We'll continue to fill out this form, choosing an Impact, Urgency, and Priority based on what the client has told us. A priority matrix will suggest a priority based on the Impact and Urgency value selected. In this case, the priority matrix suggests a priority of Medium.

The Responsible field has been pre-populated based on the form we selected. In this case, the Help Desk group will be responsible for resolving the ticket. We can check or uncheck the Notify Responsible box to choose whether to send an email about the new ticket to the person or group responsible.

Next, we'll suggest a Source for the ticket. Since in our example our client called us at the Help Desk, we'll select Phone as our Source.

The Knowledge Base Article field can be used to associate an article to the ticket. You can see that the troubleshooting article we associated earlier is listed here.

Now that we have all of our required fields filled out, click Save at the top to create the ticket.

Now you know how to choose forms, fill out fields, and create tickets in TDNext. Continue to explore the different forms available to you and get familiar with the ones you'll be using most often.



Article ID: 614
Tue 4/28/20 10:54 AM
Tue 5/26/20 8:59 AM