Accessing TeamDynamix Interfaces

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


 In this video, you will learn about the TeamDynamix Interfaces: TDNext, TDAdmin, and the Client Portal. 

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Access your TeamDynamix URL
  • Log in to the Client Portal
  • Log in to TDNext


In this video, you will learn about the TeamDynamix Interfaces, TDNext, TDAdmin, and the Client Portal.

TeamDynamix has three interfaces. You can view all of them at your organization's TeamDynamix URL.

The Users button leads to TDNext. TDNext is an application suite, where you will spend the majority of your time in TeamDynamix. This is where applications, such as the ticketing application, Assets/CIs, and project management are all utilized. In order to access TDNext, you will need to have a user account with a paid license, such as a technician or project team member license.

The Client Portal button leads to the Client Portal. The Client Portal, or TDClient, is your customers' front door to your support organization. Customers use the Client Portal to read Knowledge Base articles, browse your Service Catalog, submit tickets, and more. Anyone with a TeamDynamix account can access the Client Portal, and some parts of it can be even visible to the public, meaning user who aren't logged in.

The Administrators button leads to TDAdmin. TDAdmin is the administrative console, and it is used to create and manage users, configure settings, and control other elements of the TeamDynamix environment. Only TeamDynamix administrators can access TDAdmin. Typically, only a select number of users in your organization will be TeamDynamix administrators.

You can also access these directly by adding to the end of your organization's TeamDynamix URL. Add /TDNext for TDNext, /TDClient for the Client Portal, and /TDAdmin for TDAdmin. Looking at the path of the URL, or what's immediately after the .com, is a great way to confirm the interface you are currently in.
Now that you're familiar with TeamDynamix interfaces, log in to TDNext or the Client Portal and take a look around.

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