Visualizing Information With Desktops

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn about the purpose of the Desktop application and how you can use it to view the information most important to you.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Access the Desktop application in TDNext
  • Investigate any desktops assigned to you


In this video, you will learn about the purpose of the Desktop application, and how you can use it to view the information most important to you.

When you log in to TDNext, the first thing you will see is your desktop. The Desktop is an application similar to a homepage which allows you to see all of your information in one place. If you don't already have a desktop configured, your desktop will display as a blank page. We'll discuss how to create and customize desktops in a separate session.

Desktops are pages of information, including custom reports, that show you all the information you need to see, such as your active tickets, tickets assigned to the teams you're on, and more. The desktop can be customized to meet your specific needs, and you can create multiple desktops for different views or scenarios.

The boxes on the desktop are called desktop modules. Some of these modules are included out of the box, but you can also create custom desktop modules to display information from all applications throughout the tool. For example, you could have a module to show you tickets related to you, a module with a graph of statistics, and a module listing popular Knowledge Base articles.

Some applications, like Tickets and Assets/CIs, also have their own desktops, which can be customized.

Now you know how to use the Desktop application. Continue to explore desktops to customize your TeamDynamix experience.

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