Contributing to the Knowledge Base

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn ways to contribute to your organization's Knowledge Base, including providing feedback and creating and editing Knowledge Base articles.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Explore your Knowledge Base permissions
  • Leave some helpful feedback on a Knowledge Base article


In this video, you will learn ways to contribute to your organization's Knowledge Base, including providing feedback and creating and editing Knowledge Base articles.

Depending on your permissions and your organization's structure, you may be able to contribute to the Knowledge Base in a number of ways. The simplest way to contribute to the Knowledge Base is to provide feedback.

Each article has a Feedback section at the bottom asking if the article was helpful. You can choose Yes or No and provide comments, which Knowledge Base editors can use to improve the article.

You can also contribute to the Knowledge Base by adding knowledge in the form of Knowledge Base articles. Creating a Knowledge Base article takes a few steps.

First, the article is written. Then, the article is reviewed for quality. Finally, the article is published, meaning it is marked as Active in the Knowledge Base.

Depending on permissions, each of these steps can be completed by the same person who writes the article, marks it as approved, and publishes it all in one sitting. In other organizations, each of these steps are performed by a completely different person, setting up an informal approval pipeline for Knowledge Base articles. In future videos, we will cover creating, submitting, and publishing Knowledge Base articles in further detail.

Now you know about how to contribute to your organization's Knowledge Base. Depending on your permissions and your organization's knowledge management process, get familiar with the interface and how your organization manages knowledge.

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