Reporting Overview

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn about the purpose and navigation of reporting within the ticketing application.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Explore the custom reports available to you
  • Run one or more reports
  • Copy a report so you can edit it


In this video, you will learn about the purpose and navigation of reporting within the ticketing application.

Often, reporting is viewed as an activity that only the leadership team is involved in or something that only takes place once a month. However, reporting is not limited to finding historical data. In TeamDynamix, reports are created and used everyday to view helpful operational information in addition to statistics about performance. Reports can be used to create views showing valuable day-to-day information such as what items you should work on that day or what tickets or tasks your team is responsible for.

Your ability to create, edit, and run reports is determined by which applications you have access to. Although there is another application, Analysis, that can be used for reporting, we will be focusing on reports we can create in the ticketing application.

Let's talk about finding reports that you have access to. In TDNext, use the application menu to open the ticketing application. In this case, our ticketing application is called IT Tickets.

All of the reports you have access to are listed in the navigation menu on the left side. The top section lists Standard Reports. These out-of-the-box reports come with TeamDynamix and cannot be modified. Below this are all reports that are either owned by you or the owner has decided to share with you. These reports are separated into sections. Typically, the reports are separated by the report source or type of report. However, they can also be organized into custom report folders.

To run a report, click the report name to select the report, then click Run Report. Although you have access to run a report, there are special functions that only the report owner can do, such as deleting the report, editing the report, and moving the report to another application.

If you would like to edit a report that is not owned by you, you can always copy the report by clicking Actions, then Copy. This creates a copy of the report that you own and therefore can edit.

Now you know how to find, run, and copy reports in the ticketing application. Take a moment to explore the different reports you can access and note some other types of reports that you would like to see. In a separate session, we will cover the topic of creating reports in more depth.

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