Explaining the Actions Button in a Ticket

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In this video, we will explore the functions that appear when you click the Actions button on a ticket.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Explore the Actions menu on a ticket
  • Note the different Actions that are available to you
  • Complete a few of the functions in the Actions menu


In this video, we will explore the functions that appear when you click the Actions button on a ticket.

The Actions button appears at the top of the ticket. When you click the Actions button, a number of items appear. Depending on your permissions, this list might be quite long. Even if you don't regularly use all of the options, it's still valuable to know what they do. In this session, we will step through each of the options in the Actions menu and explain the functions in more detail.

Before we begin, note that the items in the Actions menu will reflect the classification of the ticket you're looking at. Our Actions menu will use the term Incident, since the ticket we're using in this example is an Incident. Your Actions may say "Service Request" or another classification.

The first option, Update, allows you to provide a status update on the ticket and optionally notify people and groups related to the ticket.

If your organization uses Bomgar, a popular remote support platform, you can use the Generate Bomgar Session option to create a new Bomgar session tied to the ticket.

Add to My Work will only appear if the ticket is assigned to you or a group you are a member of. Clicking this option will assign the ticket to you and add the ticket to your My Work list in the My Work application.

Take Incident will only appear if the ticket is assigned to a group that you are a member of. Clicking this option will assign the ticket to you, listing you as the primary responsible person on the ticket.

You may see Assign Incident or Reassign Incident depending on whether there is a person or group assigned to the ticket. Assign Incident allows you to assign responsibility for a ticket to a person or a group. You can even use this option to assign the ticket to yourself, if Take Incident isn't available. When reassigning, you have the option to provide a comment and notify the new responsible person or group, which will email them with information about the new assignment.

Unassign Incident is used to remove all responsible persons or group from the ticket. 59 00:02:04,466 --> 00:02:06,366 This will leave the ticket unassigned. It's generally suggested that you reassign, rather than unassign tickets, to avoid them falling through the cracks.

You may see Assign SLA or Reassign SLA, depending on whether there is a Service Level Agreement, or SLA on the ticket. You can use this option to initially set up an SLA or change the existing SLA.

Remove SLA only shows up if there is already an SLA on the ticket and allows you to remove the SLA from the ticket.

Edit Classification can be used to change the ticket's classification to any other active classification in the ticketing application. For example, you could change a ticket from a Service Request into an Incident, or an Incident into a Service Request.

Set Parent is used to make the current ticket a child of another existing ticket. This is typically used to create a parent-child relationship, allowing you to see the child tickets grouped under the parent. The child ticket will stay open and will be linked to the parent ticket.

Create Parent is used when the parent ticket doesn't already exist. It enables you to create a new ticket and make the current ticket its child.

Copy Incident allows you to create a duplicate ticket. The newly created ticket will have the same field values, workflows or tasks, and attachments as the original ticket.

Create Incident Template can be used to create a template based on the field values in the current ticket. The template can then be used when creating future tickets.

Using the Merge Into option will merge the current ticket into an existing ticket. As a result, the current ticket will no longer exist. This is typically used to get rid of duplicate tickets.

If your organization has multiple ticketing applications, you can use the Move to Application to move the ticket into another ticketing application. You will only be able to move tickets to other applications you have access to. When the ticket is moved, any fields that exist in both ticketing applications will be transferred. Otherwise, if there are fields in this ticketing application that the other ticketing application does not have, the values will be added to the Feed so the information isn't lost.

Convert to Project Request enables you to convert the ticket into a project request, which will be added to the Portfolio Planning application to be vetted. This is typically used when someone submits a ticket for a larger undertaking that would be better tracked as a project.

By contrast, the Convert to Project option will convert the ticket into a new project, bypassing the Portfolio Planning application and going directly to the Projects/Workspaces application.

For tickets that have both a start date and an end date, you can choose to Add to Calendar to add the ticket to the Calendar application in TDNext. If the ticket is already on your Calendar, you'll see an option to Remove from Calendar instead.

You can Flag a ticket to mark the ticket in order to keep track of it, even if you are not assigned to the ticket or associated with it in any way. Flagged tickets appear in a desktop module which you can use to keep an eye on specific tickets. If a ticket is already flagged, you'll see an option to Unflag the ticket instead.

Forward is used to email the details of the ticket to a person, similar to forwarding any other email. The person you choose to forward a ticket to does not need to have a record in TeamDynamix.

You may see Assign Workflow or Reassign Workflow depending on whether there is a workflow assigned to the ticket. You can use this option to initially assign a workflow or change the existing workflow.

Similarly, Remove Workflow enables you to completely remove a workflow from the ticket.

Now you know all about the many options that appear when you click on a ticket's Actions button. Test out some of these functions in your own ticketing application, particularly the ones you expect to use often.

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