Ticket Anatomy

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, we will dive into an existing ticket and discuss the different fields and values it displays.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Open an existing ticket and explore the standard and custom fields
  • Add a private comment to a ticket
  • Explore the Feed of few tickets to see what types of activities are recorded


In this video, we will dive into an existing ticket and discuss the different fields and values it displays.

First, we'll find a ticket in the Tickets application. You can find a ticket using one of the standard filters, the Filter icon, or by searching for a specific ticket ID number. We're just going to pick a random ticket from our list. To open the ticket, click on the ID or Title of the ticket. This opens the ticket in a new window.

We're going to go from the top to the bottom of this ticket and discuss each of the fields.

At the top of the window, we can see the title of the ticket. To the right of the title, in the top right corner, we can see the status of the ticket. In this case, the status is New. If the status is displayed in red, it indicates that the ticket due date has passed.

Immediately below the title is the ticket's classification and ID. In this case, the ticket is an Incident with ID number 160707.
To the right of the ticket ID, you will see a person icon and a number. The number indicates how many people are viewing, editing, or updating the ticket. Our number is one, so there is one other person viewing or working on this ticket right now. We can click on the person icon to see who it is, what time they started viewing, and what they are doing in the ticket.

Continuing down the page, you will see a row of tabs. The default tab is General, which is where we'll spend our time in this video.

Skipping down and to the right, we can see the Requestor box. This area provides basic information about the requestor of the ticket, including their name and contact information. You can click on the name of the requestor to view additional details about them, or click Find Referenced to quickly access other tickets they have requested. Note that Find Referenced won't show tickets someone created for other people, only on tickets where they are listed as the requestor.

In the main area of the ticket details window, the Details section shows some helpful information in standard fields. Note that depending on the ticket you're looking at, you may not see all of these fields, or they may be in a different order.

The Acct/Dept field indicates the department associated with the ticket. This is usually, but not always, the department the requestor is in. The Acct/Dept field does not indicate the group that is responsible for resolving the ticket. That field is a bit further down the ticket, and we'll get to it in a moment.

The Service and Type both describe the basic nature of the ticket. The Service indicates the entry in your Service Catalog that the person is requesting. The Type is a general ticket category, which is typically used for filtering and reporting.

Impact, Urgency and Priority provide a way of ranking tickets based on their importance. 82 00:02:49,533 --> 00:02:50,899 The way they are used varies based on an organization's needs. Typically, Impact describes how many people are affected by the work a ticket entails. Urgency describes the influence the work has on business operations. Priority is calculated based on the Impact and Urgency and describes the importance of the ticket in relation to other tickets.

Depending on your organization's need and process maturity, you may or may not use Service Level Agreements, or SLAs. SLAs are time-based targets to act on a ticket. In TeamDynamix, SLAs have Respond By and Resolve By deadlines, which set a target time to respond to and resolve a request. Often, SLAs are used for internal benchmarking but not communicated to the customer. If an SLA is assigned to a ticket, it will be displayed here.

The Source indicates where the ticket originated from. In this case, the source is the Client Portal, but other common sources include email, phone and walk-ins.

The Created field indicates the date and time the ticket was created, and by whom. The creator of the ticket can be different from the requestor, as in the case of someone submitting a ticket for someone else.

The Last Modified field indicates the date and time the ticket was last modified, and by whom. Modifications can include updating, commenting on, or editing the ticket.

The Age displays the number of days since the ticket was created. The age is calculated based on actual days, not work days.

Some ticket types have reviewers assigned to them. Whenever a ticket of that type is created, the reviewer can be notified. In most cases, the Reviewer will be unassigned.

The Responsibility field is one of the more commonly referenced fields. It indicates who is responsible for completing the work on a ticket. A ticket can be assigned to one person or one group.

Sometimes you may notice that the Responsibility field only shows a person, only shows a group, or shows both a group and a person. This is determined by how the ticket is assigned. If a ticket comes in completely unassigned and a person assigns themselves to it, it will be assigned to just that person. If a ticket comes in assigned to a group and someone in that group assigned themselves to it, it will keep the name of the group and add the name of the person afterward.

If your organization uses time tracking, you may use the Estimated Hours and Actual Hours fields to track how long we thought the work would take versus how long it actually took.

Finally, under all of the standard fields, any custom fields will appear. Custom fields are used to supplement the standard fields by capturing specific information needed to resolve the request. In our example, there are custom fields to capture information about the device having the issue.

The Description section provides an overview of the ticket. This is likely what the creator of the ticket entered when they first filled out the ticket form and can be edited to provide additional contextual information.

Finally, at the bottom of the window, you will find the Feed. The Feed is an audit trail of what has occurred in the ticket. Some of the activities that create a Feed entry include updating, editing, and commenting on the ticket. If you need to get caught up on a ticket, the Feed is a great place to quickly find a summary of recent activity.

You can an add entry to the Feed by commenting on the ticket. Commenting is an easy way to quickly reach out to the requestor, other technicians on the ticket, or ticket contacts.

You can also use a comment to make an internal note for yourself or others working on the ticket. Internal comments are labeled with the word "private" in parenthesis and are hidden from the Feed in the Client Portal. Feed entries can be manually toggled between private and public using the More option.

If a Feed entry is marked as private, it will no longer appear in the Client Portal and will only be visible to those viewing the ticket in TDNext. Depending on your permissions, you may have additional options when you click the More button, including deleting Feed items.

Now you know about the basic attributes of a ticket. Take a look at a few different tickets in your own ticketing application to get familiar with the different forms and fields your organization uses.

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