Forms and Ticket Classifications

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn about the relationship between forms, tickets, and ticket classifications.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Identify which classifications are active in the ticketing application in TDNext
  • Explore the default forms for each active classification


In this video, you will learn about the relationship between forms, tickets, and ticket classifications.

When processing tickets, information is key. Capturing all of the information about a request up front reduces back and forth between the technician and the customer, which means tickets get processed faster and more efficiently. In TeamDynamix, our solution is the ticket form.

Ticket forms are fully customizable, enabling us to ask the right questions up front, collect all of the relevant information, and know the details needed to get things done. Customers use forms to submit tickets from the Client Portal, and technicians use forms to create tickets in the ticketing application in TDNext.

Each field on the form can be hidden in either the Client Portal or TDNext, which means customers in the Client Portal only see the fields that are relevant to them. When a form is submitted, a ticket is created. In fact, any ticket you can see in the ticketing application was created using a form.

TeamDynamix provides default forms like the Incident Form and Service Request Form out of the box. Based on your organization's needs, your administrators may also create more specific forms, like a Network Incident Form, Maintenance Request Form, or Software Purchase Request Form.

Every form, and thus every ticket, has a classification. According to ITIL, there are six ticket classifications: Service Request, Incident, Major Incident, Problem, Change, and Release. Depending on your organization's need and process maturity, you may only use a few classifications, or you may use them all. The most common ticket classifications are Service Request and Incident. We'll explore classifications in more detail in a separate session.

In the left navigation menu of the ticketing application you'll see a list of all active classifications. In this environment you can see that five ticketing classifications are active. Clicking on a classification will display all tickets of that classification that are in a New, Open, or On Hold status class.

Classifications appear in a few additional places in TDNext. When you create a new ticket and choose a form to use, the forms are grouped by their ticket classifications. You can also see the classification next to the ID number at the top of the ticket.

Now you know how forms create tickets, and the basics of ticket classifications. Take a look at which classifications are active in your environment, and explore some your organization's custom forms.

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