Ticketing Application Overview

We suggest watching the Technician Training videos in order.


In this video, you will learn about the ticketing application interface, including the ticketing desktop and the navigation menu.

Learning Objectives

Test your knowledge by completing the following tasks in your own TeamDynamix environment.

  • Access the ticketing application in TDNext
  • Create an application desktop in the Tickets or Assets/CIs application
  • Access the Tickets home base
  • Explore the standard filters on the left navigation menu in the ticketing application


In this video, you will learn about the ticketing application interface, including the ticketing desktop and the navigation menu.

First, we will open the ticketing application. Depending on your organization, you may have more than one ticketing application. Each ticketing application is distinct and has its own set of tickets. If you already have the application open, click on its tab. Otherwise, click on the application menu and click the ticketing application you would like to work in. Today, we will be working in the IT Tickets application.

When you first open the ticketing application, the first thing you will see is your ticket desktop. If you haven't configured it yet, this page may be blank. You may be familiar with the Desktop application, a customizable application which functions as a homepage for TDNext. Certain applications in TDNext, like Tickets and Assets/CIs, have customizable desktops of their own.

Application desktops are similar to the Desktop application, aside from three key differences.

In the main TDNext Desktop, you can add reports for many different applications. In an application-specific desktop like our IT Tickets desktop, you can only see content relevant to that specific application.

Second, you can only have one desktop per application. There is no dropdown to toggle between different desktops like there is in the Desktop application.

Finally, application desktops cannot be created by a TeamDynamix administrator and shared with you. Application desktops like the one in the ticketing application must be created by each TDNext user.

The left navigation menu of the ticketing application provides many preset views you can use to see different categories of tickets including standard filters and reports.

Click on the word Tickets itself, which we call tickets home base. This view shows you all tickets that are in a New, Open, or On Hold status class. Anyone with access to a ticketing application can see all of the tickets in that application by clicking on the tickets home base. In a separate session, we will cover how to filter the ticket home base to find the work relevant to you.

Now that you're familiar with some of the key features of the ticketing application, feel free to explore some of the standard filters and reports.

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